Spring lamb…

by Thomas on April 13, 2015

Spring Lamb

Well, the new book is finally out there, and now is a curious moment. No reviews, no one who’s read it apart from those naturally inclined to be favourable and spare the author’s blushes. It feels a bit like watching a new lamb gambol gaily out into the pasture, full of the joys of spring, yet vulnerable to weather, foxes, disease. I sense I may be pushing this metaphor to Alan Partridge levels, but one hopes that the lamb develops into a powerful independent beast, the Aries of my own star sign, rather than ending up in a ditch somewhere as a tangle of bone and discoloured fleece. Only time will tell. But I’m avoiding eating cutlets for the moment.

One encouraging sign has been the fate of SLEEPING DOGS’ predecessor, HOLLOW MOUNTAIN. Its mass market paperback version was released on the same day as the new book, and in Australia, for reasons that are not entirely clear, but are unbelievably welcome, it shot to the top of the Amazon Kindle charts. Not just in fiction, but for any book. If it can thrive in the tough climate of Oz, perhaps its sibling has a chance to… Am getting a bit Partridge again… Ah-ha.

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